DEShellvidge shares his Acme Shoemaker color 4 shell cordovan split toe apron toe derby shoe which he cares for with Pure Polish Cleaner Conditionerand Brown Paste Wax Polish. He pairs it with Momotaro Denim and Viccel Dress Socks.
DEShellvidge shares his Enzo Bonafe color 4 shell cordovan cap toe derby boot which he cares for with Pure Polish Products. He pairs them with Momotaro denim.
DEShellvidge shares his Acme Shoemaker color 4 shell cordovan split toe apron toe derby shoe which he cares for with Pure Polish Brown Paste Wax Polish. He pairs them with Mes Chaussettes Rogues Mazarin academy navy green houndstooth socks.
DEShellvidge shares hisAcme Shoemaker color 4 shell cordovan split toe pie crust derby shoe which he cares for with a bit of brown Pure Polish Brown Paste Wax Polish. He pairs them with Momotaro denim and Viccel Dress Socks.
DEShellvidgeshares his shell cordovan whole cut slippers that were refinished by Americas Cobbler and cared for with Pure Polish Brown Paste Wax Polish. He pairs them with Momotaro Jeans and Mes Chaussettes Rouges mazarin houndstooth socks.
DEShellvidge shares his color 4 Acme Shoemaker shell cordovan split toe pie crust derby, which he cares for with Pure Polish Brown Paste Wax Polish. He pairs them with Vitale Barberis Canonico 1663 fresco olive tabbed waist trousers and Mes Chaussettes Rouges socks.
DEShellvidge shares his Acme Shoemaker handsewn split toe pie crust derbys in color 4 shell cordovan, he cares for them using Pure Polish Brown Paste Wax Polish. He pairs them with Momotaro special release selvedge denim jeans and Mes Chaussettes Rouges brown and cream houndstooth socks.
DEShellvidge shares his Acme Shoemaker handsewn split toe pie crust derby in color 4 shell cordovan, he cares for them with Pure Polish Brown Paste Wax Polish. He pairs them with denim jeans and creme and brown gingham socks.